hey oh

Ok, so my early morning question today (it’s 5:30 am in New York so I have the right to say so) is: where’s the snow that fell down yesterday? Anyone? I mean, I’ve been waiting for it to finally show up and once it did, I was too busy turning from side to side, that I kind of ignored it until I heard some terrible noise made by the snowplough (or to sound more Americanish cause I live in the valley!, the snowplow) at midnight (btw why are my midnight memories so awkward, huh?). In the morning I woke up fix und fertig to get bundled up like crazy, play some Michael Buble on repeat while freezing in the tram and then, well hello! surprise! surprise!, away faded the snow! 
Anywa from this place I’d like to say a massive thank you to all my dear facebook friends who were so kind and informed me that it’s on with the snow. You know,  just in case all my windows got bricked up .

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